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El Centro Chicano y Latino is open Monday through Friday 10 AM - 5 PM. 

Cultural Education

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El Día de los Muertos

El Día de los Muertos is the annual celebration of the Latin American tradition of All Souls Day. El Centro Chicano y Latino's recognition of this sacred Amerindian remembrance of the dead includes the creation of our own version of a traditional altar in the lounge with photos of deceased loved ones, food and drink, flowers, candles and other offerings to the spirits of those who have passed away. A program concludes the observance featuring Teatro Xicano, poetry and music all performed by students and community members. The program is co-sponsored by various departments and student organizations on campus.

The Queer Caribbean Symposium

El Centro Chicano y Latino and the Caribbean Studies Reading Group are deeply inspired by a legacy of scholarship and art which positions the Caribbean as the center of the world. Building on the spirit of our inaugural Global Caribbean Symposium, we have extended this practice to our second symposium, The Queer Caribbean: Inheritance, Embodiments, and Possibilities. This symposium holds space for a legacy of queerness in the Caribbean situated in the politics of futurity and liberation. Artists, organizers, and scholars have reimagined and excavated queer Caribbean possibilities – spaces of living, dreaming, and embodying different realities. This space works within and expands legacies of queerness in the Caribbean. Through our Spring Symposiums, we seek to think beyond a queer Caribbean that has “yet to come” (to borrow from Paul Gilroy), to one which has found its origins in the gendered, racialized, and sexualized histories of the Atlantic (to borrow from Omise'eke Natasha Tinsley).