Community Building
El Centro works to build a community that supports students academically, personally, socially and culturally. For more detailed information on the most recent events or information Admit Weekend, New Student Orientation, Family Weekend, and Nuestra Graduación, see our Events page.

Cafecito is a bi-weekly event where we provide homemade Mexican hot chocolate, pan dulce (sweet bread) and coffee for students, staff and the general Stanford community. As one of El Centro’s most popular programs, Cafecito is an excellent avenue for people in Comunidad to socialize and network while grabbing a bite. In addition, the Career Development Center (CDC) holds walk-in consultations, and teaching assistants and professors regularly agree to meet students during Cafecito.
Cafecito is held on Friday Afternoons at El Centro Plazita and is open to all.
Fall & Spring Comunidad Picnics

Quarterly Programming
El Centro Chicano y Latino organizes independent and collaborative quarterly programming for undergraduate, graduate and community members. To see the upcoming programming, look for the "Recent Events" section on our home page.

Decolonizing Latinidades: Race, Gender, Indigeneity and Sexuality
A platica with Dr. Gabriela Spears-Rico ('03)

Latinidad Unfiltered: Latinx Representation, Misrepresentation, and Politics