El Centro Chicano y Latino at Stanford University, receives many space visitation requests and works hard to accommodate visitation requests. Due to the high demand of visitation requests, we ask that interested visitors please keep in mind the following;
- A group of 30 visitors maximum (chaperones or educational leaders do not count) e.g.: a group of 30 students accompanied by at least 1 chaperone.
- For larger groups, we ask that you split your group to accommodate the 30-person/student limit.
- Visits are scheduled between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays during the current academic Quarters. We do not accommodate weekend or after-hours requests.
- El Centro does not conduct nor coordinate student-led campus tours. For all tour requests, please see the Admissions Office.
Please make sure to communicate the following message to the visiting group before entering El Centro space:
El Centro Chicano y Latino is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about our space and the work we do. We are open Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM throughout the regular academic quarter (Fall, Winter, and Spring). If you are visiting El Centro Chicano y Latino, please be mindful and respectful of students, staff, and faculty who are in the space (this includes unwelcomed requests for current students to participate in impromptu Q&A or panels).
To request a visit and/or coordinate a student panel for your group, please email elcentro78@stanford.edu In your email please let us know the date/time of your proposed visit and the number of people that will be attending. Requests will be screened and addressed at the discretion and capacity of our staff.