2020 Graduate Scholars-in-Residence Reunion Symposium
Stanford University • El Centro Chicano y Latino • Graduate Scholars-in-Residence Program
Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence (1998-2018)
Reunion Symposium
January 22-24, 2020

The Graduate Scholars in Residence Program, established in 1998, is a program aimed at fostering a vibrant intellectual community among Chicano/a/x-Latino/a/x students at Stanford. It provides graduate students from various disciplines the opportunity to work collaboratively with each other and with undergraduates as part of a supportive community within El Centro Chicano y Latino.
Since its beginnings, the Graduate Scholars-in-Residence Program has been highly successful in the production of Latina/o/x students who earn Ph.D. degrees. This success means that Stanford University and El Centro Chicano y Latino are leaders in cultivating the next generation of Latina/o/x faculty and leaders in higher education across the nation.
To celebrate both the success and longevity of the program, we are convening an inaugural Graduate Scholars-in-Residence Program Reunion Symposium over the course of three days (January 22-24, 2020). The Symposium will commemorate 20 years (1998-2018) of this innovative and visionary program on the Stanford campus and will create new opportunities for reuniting and reconnecting both past and present Graduate Scholars-in-Residence at El Centro Chicano y Latino. This program is brought to you in part through funding from Stanford Associates.

Symposium Schedule:
WEDNESDAY, 22 JANUARY 2020, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Black Community Services Center (Brandon Community Room)
Evening Dinner Reception:
“Celebrating Twenty Years of Excellence:” El Centro Chicano y Latino’s Graduate Scholars-in-Residence Program, 1998-2018
THURSDAY, 23 JANUARY 2020, El Centro Chicano y Latino
12:00-1:30 “What I Wish I Knew Then:” Advice for Ph.D. Students
2:00-3:00 Academic Job Market and Publishing Roundtable
4:00-5:30 Graduate Scholars-in-Residence 2019-20 Research Forum
FRIDAY, 24 JANUARY 2020: El Centro Chicano y Latino
10:00-11:00 Cafecito at El Centro
11:00-11:45 Record a Video Message for Future Stanford Graduate Students!
12:00-1:30 The Aesthetics of Academia: Race, Gender, and Class
2:00-3:00 Leadership and Higher Education: GSR Alumni Profiles
4:00-5:30 Farewell Reception at El Centro with Group Photo
We regret that because of budget constraints, we cannot pay for accommodation. However, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Stanford Guest House for Symposium participants. However, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Stanford Guest House for Symposium participants for overnight stay on Wednesday, January 22 (18 rooms); Thursday, January 23 (18 rooms), and Friday, January 24 (5 rooms).
The Stanford Guest House is located just off-campus on 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025-7015. It offers guests a complimentary breakfast from 6:30 to 9:30 a.m., 24-hour coffee service, the SLACafé, and a Starbucks café.
Guests can reserve online at: http://guesthouse.stanford.edu/. You may also contact the Stanford Guest House front desk at 650-926-2800. Please use our group booking code SEC20 before December 16, 2019 for our group rate:
• Standard Room – One Queen Bed: $174 USD per night (175 sq ft)
• Deluxe Room – Two Queen Beds: $214 USD per night (275 sq ft, with microwave/refrigerator)
• Wheelchair Accessible Deluxe Room – One Queen Bed: $214 USD per night (275 sq ft, with microwave/refrigerator + ADA)
Please note that the Stanford Guest House will charge El Centro Chicano y Latino for any last-minute cancellations or “no-shows.” Please help us avoid these charges. As you may recall from your time at Stanford, El Centro has a limited operating budget.
After December 16, 2019, you will be responsible for finding your own accommodation, either at the Stanford Guest House (pending availability) or at another location.
Directions from Hotel:
The Stanford Guest House offers a complimentary Guest House Shuttle and the Marguerite Shuttle bus service directly to campus. Reservations are recommended for a seat on the Stanford Guest House Shuttle, while the Marguerite Shuttle offers hop-on/hop-off service every 30 minutes.
Travel and Parking:
We regret that because of budget constraints, we cannot pay for travel. However, we are happy to provide copies of the Symposium Schedule to demonstrate that participants are invited guests of the Symposium.
Ground Transportation Directions from Airports:
Ground transportation information, including shared shuttle information, is located here:
• San Jose Airport
• San Francisco Airport
• Oakland Airport
• Super Shuttle – You can book a shared shuttle ride from either airport with this discount offered to the Stanford Community (save $6 with Stanford discount code T9X58).
On-Campus Parking:
The Tresidder lot is the closet parking lot to our event venues that has visitor parking. There are parking permit machines through which you may pay and park up to 8 hours of parking using credit cards, debit cards, cash, or coins, using your license plate number. Parking is enforced Monday-Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Please indicate if you require a parking pass and we will mail this to you ahead of time. Additional visitor parking information can be found on Stanford's Parking and Transportation page. Check out their maps page for Visitor Pay Parking marked with a “P.”
Disability Parking:
For guests with disabilities, disabled person placards issued by any state are honored in most marked parking spaces on campus, including meters, designated blue spaces (accessible disabled parking is located near all facilities), and permit lots. Please let us know if you need more accessible options for both parking and/or attending events.
Stanford University is located in Stanford, California, approximately 35 miles south of San Francisco and 20 miles north of San José.
The Symposium Welcome Dinner Reception on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, will take place in the Brandon Community Room, Black Community Services Center, 418 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305.
All other events will take place at El Centro Chicano y Latino, 514 Lasuen Mall, Building 590 (Nitery), Old Union Complex, Stanford, CA 94305.
Evelyn Alsultany
University of Southern California
A.J. Alvero
Stanford University
Magdalena Barrera
San José State University
Isla Flores Bayer
University of Texas at Austin
Andy Blanco
Brian Cabral
Stanford University
Guadalupe Carrillo
Stanford University
Saskias Casanova
University of California at Santa Cruz
David Colón
Texas Christian University
Raul Coronado
University of California, Berkeley
James Estrella
Olympic College
Gabriela Andicoechea Fischmann
Stanford University
Vida Mia García
American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Mishauna Goeman
University of California, Los Angeles
David Gonzalez
Stanford University
Karina Gutíerrez
Stanford University
Lorraine Hanley
Wellesley College
Kim Higuera
Stanford University
Karina Hodoyan
University of San Francisco
Greses Pérez Joehnk
Stanford University
Jonathan Leal
Stanford University
So-Rim Lee
University of Pennsylvania
Jesus Madrid
Cornell University
Doris Madrigal
Loyola Marymount University
Alma Martínez
University of LaVerne
Amanda Mireles
Stanford University
Melissa Mesinas
Stanford University
Claudia Rodriguez Mojica
Santa Clara University
Eduardo Muñoz Muñoz
San José State University
Casey Nichols
Texas State University
Courtney Peña
Stanford University
Sean Peters
Stanford University
Diego Román
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Elda María Román
University of Southern California
María Luisa Ruiz
Mount St. Mary's College
Luz Jiménez Ruvalcaba
Stanford University
Micaela Díaz Sánchez
University of California at Santa Barbara
Maribel Santiago
University of Washington
Vanessa Seals
Westminster College
Miguel Unzueta
University of California, Los Angeles
Manuel Vargas
University of California, San Diego
Martín Valadez
Heritage University
Jennifer Harford Vargas
Bryn Mawr College
Cristopher Vásquez
Stanford University
Michelle Zamora
Domestic Violence Intervention Center